How to choose a sewer pump - operating principle, differences, pros and cons of sewer pumps

It is not always possible to install a gravity sewer system in a private house. Then, to remove fecal waste from the cottage, it is necessary to install sewer pumps, creating a forced pumping system.

The pumping equipment market offers a wide range of units. But, you must admit, the variety of models can lead to confusion and make it difficult to choose.

We will help you resolve the issue. The article identifies the main types of sewage pumps and describes their strengths and weaknesses. In order not to make a mistake with your purchase, we suggest following a special algorithm for assessing the characteristics and decisive factors of choice.

Purpose of a hydraulic pump for sewerage

In most cases, the sewer system in a country house is designed in such a way that waste liquid moves through it by gravity. But sometimes the local septic tank is located higher than the sewage drainage pipeline and all plumbing fixtures in the building.

Since wastewater is not able to move up the pipes on its own, a pump must be used to pump the sewer. To choose the right pumping equipment, you should familiarize yourself with its modifications and characteristics, and also take into account many factors.

All sewage pumps are divided into 4 main groups:

  1. Units used for pumping liquids resulting from the implementation of household needs.
  2. Powerful pumping structures for industrial needs.
  3. Sewage pumps designed to transport atmospheric precipitation.
  4. Pumps for moving formed sediments.

Pumping pumping equipment is installed when, for a number of reasons, including due to the terrain or local area, external pipelines cannot be laid at the required slope.

Also, the need for sewage pumps for a private house arises in the event of completion or redevelopment of a building. The fact is that then the configuration of the utilities running inside the house changes, and the volume of waste liquid increases, which can no longer leave the residential building by gravity.

The most common method of arranging a sewer system, which provides for forced pumping of wastewater, is the installation of an intermediate storage tank in the basement of the building. As the tank fills to a certain level, the sewage pump in the basement is turned on - it pumps the wastewater outside the house for subsequent cleaning or removal.

You can also install a compact pumping unit that will function exclusively during drainage of waste liquid. But this option has a big drawback - if the unit breaks down, the house will be left without a working sewer system.

The use of pumps for pressure sewerage compared to the operation of a gravity structure has the following advantages:

  1. The need for periodic cleaning of pipelines is reduced, since the intensive movement of wastewater through them contributes to the self-cleaning of the pipes.
  2. Plumbing fixtures and household appliances that require a connection to the network for drainage can be installed anywhere, regardless of the need to form a slope in the direction of the outlet, storage tank or septic tank.

According to the requirements of SNiP 2.04.03-85, for the external section of a pressure sewer network, the smallest pipe diameter should be 150 millimeters, provided that a common liquid drainage system is installed. These are pipelines through which storm precipitation is transported along with domestic gray and black wastewater.

Gravity systems for domestic use are installed from pipes having a similar cross-section. When fecal sewage is discharged separately, the diameter of the pipeline is taken such that it will be filled to 0.7 of its maximum height. This gap is necessary to ensure ventilation and removal of unpleasant-smelling and explosive gases.

When choosing a pump for home sewage, you need to take into account the parameters of the pipeline so that it matches the expected load. All forced sewer structures, compared to gravity ones, are energy dependent.

If a small number of residents live in a house, then the storage tank does not fill immediately and the pumping equipment will turn on from time to time. But if the volume of waste liquid is large, the unit must operate almost constantly, and if the power supply is turned off, quite serious problems can arise.

In order to reduce the cost of purchasing a pump for a sewage disposal system, you can install thinner and cheaper pipes and thereby reduce the cost of their installation. But then, during operation, the equipment will require constant maintenance, which also requires monetary costs.

And if we add to this the cost of an uninterruptible power supply, which must be installed in case of an emergency power outage, the benefit will be zero.

Experts advise: if possible, use only the gravity-fed option for utilities - it will be the best solution to the problem of draining waste liquid. A pressure structure with a sewage pump for contaminated and viscous wastewater should be installed in exceptional cases.

How to choose a sewer pump: recommendations from companies, which model is better to purchase

Properly organized sewerage is one of the most important conditions for ensuring comfortable living for people. First of all, this, of course, concerns the owners of private houses equipped with at least minimal “conveniences” - here everything depends on the owner of the property. Residents of city apartments in high-rise buildings have a much easier time with these problems, but situations still sometimes occur when the sewage system requires alteration or certain modernization.

How to choose a sewer pump

The normal functioning of the sewerage system must be ensured by timely, regular emptying of storage tanks or by ensuring the movement of wastewater to the central collector. In both cases, this work is performed by special pumping equipment. Such installations are usually called fecal installations, which, in principle, characterizes the features of their design and operation. Let's try to figure out what cases it will be needed for and how to choose a pump for pumping out sewerage.

Areas of application of fecal pumps

First of all, it is necessary to clarify the definitions. The name “sewage pumps” or “sewage pumps” combines a whole range of devices with different characteristics, design and installation diagrams. This is quite understandable - the concept of sewerage is also very multifaceted - even in one house several types can be created and function at the same time, for example, domestic - for wastewater and/or for a restroom, stormwater and drainage.

Sewerage in a private house

A caring owner will always provide his own home with well-built sewerage systems. How to independently organize an autonomous household sewer system , and how to calculate and create a storm sewer system - read in the special publications of our portal.

In each case, different pumps can be used to pump out or ensure the movement of wastewater. With some degree of convention, they can be divided into two groups.

  • Pumps for pumping dirty water - they are capable of operating when the liquid contains solid inclusions of sufficiently large sizes: sand, stones, shells, etc. One of the most important characteristics of such devices is the permissible diameter of solid contaminants - for some models this figure reaches 50 or even more millimeters. But they cope worse with organic fibrous inclusions.

Dirty water pumps can handle large solids

  • Fecal pumps, on the contrary, are designed for pumping liquids with high viscosity, saturated with organic inclusions, fibrous structures, and food waste. They easily cope with mud and silt accumulations in tanks.

Various types of grinding devices
Most often they have a design feature - a grinding device of one or another principle of operation (knives or sharpened impeller blades of the impeller), which makes it possible to grind sewage, turning it into a mass of homogeneous consistency that will not clog pipes and can easily be pumped to significant heights and distances.

But the presence of solid inclusions in a tank or reservoir may be unacceptable for such pumps - there is a high probability of damage or even jamming of the chopper knives, which in any case will lead to either the loss of the device’s operational characteristics, or, in general, to failure.

Large solid fragments can damage the blades of the chopping knives

In a word, when choosing a pump for sewerage, you should clearly understand what tasks it will have to cope with. Moreover, many devices have a fairly high versatility and are capable of performing many related functions that are in demand in the practice of living in a private home:

  • If the home “sewage system” is made according to a simplified scheme, only with a cesspool, then the need to empty it will arise quite often. However, even if a septic tank is installed, its primary chamber will still require cleaning sooner or later. In both of these cases, you simply cannot do without a powerful fecal pump with a grinder impeller.

It may be necessary to drain storage manifolds or sanitary or storm sewer wells. For example, this happens during a period of massive snow melting or during a prolonged rainy period, when the system for draining excess water simply does not cope with its task.

The pump constantly “monitors” the water level in the well and performs regular pumping

Often pumps for dirty water are installed in such containers on an ongoing basis - they automatically turn on when a certain level of accumulated liquid is reached and drain it, preventing overflow.

  • Many problems arise for owners of housing located in lowlands, in frequently flooded areas, with close proximity to underground water horizons. Water can periodically penetrate into basements or basements, and drainage pumps equipped with an automatic water level monitoring system can also help cope with this.

A drainage pump pumps water out of a pit in the basement.
For such purposes, a pit is usually set up in basements into which the collected water flows, and from there the pump pumps it out into the sewer or storm drain.

  • No one is ever immune from emergency situations - flooding of premises due to natural causes or even due to man-made circumstances, including due to their own carelessness. A drainage pump for dirty water will also help dry the premises.

Eliminating the consequences of accidents and natural disasters is another function of drainage pumps

  • After massive melting of snow or prolonged rains, flooding zones may appear in the folds of the terrain. To “help” them dry faster, you can also pump out the water using a pump - fecal or designed for dirty water.

A drainer or fecal pump can help with draining the area.
Such a pump also becomes indispensable for those owners who have created an artificial reservoir on their site - a pond, fountain or pool. All these objects require periodic cleaning and water replacement, and it is impossible to do without the appropriate pumping equipment.

They are also indispensable for caring for artificial reservoirs.

  • Water from an external source - an artificial or natural reservoir, as well as from stormwater storage tanks or domestic sewerage is very often used for watering a personal plot. And in this situation, you will again need a pump for dirty water, and if the natural reservoir is very swampy, then even a fecal pump.
  • The organization of domestic sewerage usually involves laying fairly wide pipes with a certain slope towards the septic tank or central sewer riser. However, there are situations when, for various reasons, it is impossible to ensure natural, spontaneous outflow from some plumbing fixtures. This may be caused by the route being too long, the characteristic slope of the area on the site, or the layout of the house, when, for example, a bathroom, bathhouse or laundry room is located below the level of the main sewer drain.

Household pumping sewerage installation
In this case, the solution to the problem is provided by installing a stationary pump of a special type - built into the sewerage system, or submersible, which will be permanently located in a collection tank or pit.

  • Sometimes the owners intend to organize a small family business on their property, for example, a car wash or an auto repair shop. You should know that permission will never be obtained until additional purification of the water is ensured before discharging it even into the central sewer, not to mention open reservoirs or sewers.

Pumps for dirty water must be included in the system of a local treatment plant
. A local treatment station will need to be installed, and its operation, from collecting wastewater from pits or storage tanks to moving it through treatment modules, will also be provided by drainage pumps for dirty water.

In short, the areas of application of sewage pumps are very diverse. And depending on the specific conditions, you should select the appropriate equipment.

Types of sewage pumps by installation site

All pumps used for pumping sewage can be divided into four separate groups.

Surface Sewage Pumps

Surface sewage pumps require placement at ground level with a sleeve lowered into a drainage well or into a drainage pit (pit).

Surface type fecal pumps

It cannot be said that such installations are very popular among home owners. As a rule, they require stationary placement, that is, they are constantly tied to one place, and using them when other needs arise is quite problematic. The housing and electric drive in most models do not have special external protection, so you will have to come up with it yourself - usually a separate utility room is allocated for such installations.

In addition to the above, significant disadvantages include increased noise during operation. In addition, control over operation is required to avoid overheating. And if it is necessary to automate the pumping process, then you will need to purchase separate devices to monitor the liquid level in the sewer and ensure timely start-up and shutdown of the equipment.

Certain problems may arise if it is necessary to use a surface pump in winter, at subzero temperatures.

There are also compact, portable models of surface pumps for dirty water - they can be used for emptying storage tanks or for collecting water for watering a personal plot.

Such pumps cope well with the task of pumping sewage, especially if they are equipped with a grinding device. They have good performance and generated pressure, although in these parameters they are inferior to submersible or semi-submersible pumps that are equal in drive power. Not too high a price is also one of the advantages of such pumping equipment.

Submersible sewage pumps

The very design of these pumps determines their name - they are designed for complete immersion in the pumped medium. This is, first of all, a requirement for their trouble-free operation - the cooling of the electric drive is carried out precisely by completely surrounding the housing with liquid.

Submersible pump for emptying sewage tanks

Since it is assumed that the pumped liquid may have a fairly aggressive chemical composition, the pump casing is always made of corrosion-resistant materials - this can be cast iron, stainless steel, or impact-resistant polymer. Of course, complete sealing of the electrical part of the device and multi-layer insulation of the power cable are provided.

Most modern models have their own automatic float operating system, which will ensure that the pump turns on when the liquid level rises, but at the same time will not allow the level to fall below the critical level for the device.

Such pumps have many advantages. There is almost no chance of freezing - the device is constantly immersed in a layer of liquid. This arrangement, in addition, dampens the noise of the power unit well. Of all other pumps, it is submersible pumps that have the maximum characteristics in terms of the level of pressure generated.

Among the disadvantages, we can note some difficulties in the preparatory order, since the pump must be installed in advance in the receiving tank and the operation of its float automatics must be configured. However, if it is planned to pump sewage from one place on an ongoing basis, then they often resort to permanent installation (Fig. A).

Stationary and “mobile” installation of a submersible drainage pump

For this purpose, special guides are made that make it easier to lower the device and raise it for maintenance work. The installation location may be equipped with an intake flange.

Of course, this is not a “dogma” - a simpler installation can be carried out (Fig. B) - most pumps are equipped with a special stand to ensure a stable position of the device at the bottom of the tank.

And yet, a certain attachment of the submersible pump to one place can be traced, which also does not make such models too popular among owners of private houses. Although, if the house is equipped with a “powerful” sewer system, then this approach will probably be the most optimal - do not spare money on a stationary sewage pumping unit, and use mobile equipment for other purposes.

Semi-submersible sewage (sewage) pumps

These pumps are among the most universal, which determines their maximum popularity among owners of private houses. Design features allow these devices to cope with most problems that arise in a private home - such pumps are not afraid of either complete immersion or draining the container almost dry.

Semi-submersible sewage pump

All of them have a reliable hermetically “packed” housing, a stable stand for installation in a reservoir or a drainable tank (room, pit, etc.). Almost always, semi-submersible pumps are immediately equipped with an automatic float system, which prevents the possibility of overheating of the Prior from idling operation.

Typically, such pumps have a volumetric working chamber that is not afraid of fairly large solid inclusions. Fecal models are additionally equipped with a grinding mechanism.

Such a pump can be installed on a permanent basis, but it is quite acceptable to use it as a portable option as needed - for pumping out a particular hydrant, draining a stagnant puddle or artificial reservoir, for watering a garden, eliminating the consequences of an accident, etc.

A special type of semi-submersible sewage pumps for stationary installation

There is another type of semi-submersible pumps for stationary installation. But in essence, they are more reminiscent of surface ones - their power drive is always located above the water level, and a pipe is lowered into the tank, through which a shaft passes, transmitting rotation from the engine to the impeller and grinding device. However, such installations, as a rule, are installed on large sewerage facilities and are practically not found in the field of private construction.

Domestic sewage pumping installations

Sewage pumping units, which are built into the sewer system directly in the bathrooms, stand completely apart. Possible cases of the need for their use have already been mentioned. We can add that such sewage installations make it possible to use small-diameter pipes - 50 mm - for internal installation of toilets, which can be extremely important when planning the layout of an intra-house sewer network.

Such pumping units fit perfectly into the interior of the bathroom and do not take up useful space.

The “classic” place for their installation is directly behind the toilet with a connection to it, although there are slightly different modifications (for example, designed for kitchen operating conditions). Typically, such installations have one or more inlet pipes, allowing you to connect other plumbing fixtures or household appliances to the pump.

All components of the pumping unit are compactly located in a small plastic housing

All the mechanisms and devices necessary for efficient operation are successfully assembled in a durable plastic case. This is a storage tank, a shredder with sharp knives, a semi-submersible pump, and all the necessary automation systems that ensure timely pumping of waste.

The operation of such an installation is organized quite simply. The automation reacts to the entry of water into the tank and turns on the shredder, and all waste is immediately transformed into a fine liquid substance. Then the pump turns on and pumps the contents into the pipe, ensuring the passage of the masses to the sewer riser or septic tank. As soon as the container is cleaned, the power will automatically turn off and the unit will remain in “standby mode” with an empty chamber.

Cutting knives of the grinding mechanism

Such installations take up practically no space, fit very well into the interior of the bathroom, are not noisy, that is, they will not create any discomfort.

Often such installations are installed in the bathrooms of small organizations or private enterprises (for example, catering). It is impossible to teach all visitors the rules for using the toilet, and the lack of culture of some of them can lead to difficult-to-clear blockages in sewer lines. The use of such devices reduces this likelihood to a minimum.

The table below shows, as an example, several models of similar pumping household sewage plants:

ModelIllustrationShort descriptionapproximate price

Products of the famous German-Danish company. The lineup is represented by several models designed for different numbers of connected points. So, it can only be a toilet, or, in the WC-3 model, a washbasin, bath or shower and bidet can be connected. The maximum temperature of the wastewater is 40°. Power – 400 W. The created pressure is 8 m of water column. Productivity – up to 95 l/min. Dimensions 430x189x279 with a weight of only 5.4 kg. Depending on the model - from 19 to 27 thousand rubles

Model of joint Russian-Italian production. Designed only for pumping wastewater from a bathtub, shower stall or sink. It has two inlet pipes of 40 mm, and one outlet with a diameter of only 23 or 32 mm. Dimensions 172x158x339 mm. Power consumption – 250 W, maximum generated pressure – 5 m. 9 ÷ 10 thousand rubles.
"SFA SaniBest"

Installation made in France. It features increased functionality - suitable for both home use and small organizations. In addition to the toilet inlet, it has three more pipes for connecting any other plumbing devices, including a kitchen sink. The maximum temperature of wastewater is up to 65°. Installation power 1100 W. The maximum vertical pressure is 7 meters, and horizontally up to 100. Dimensions 507x175x275 mm, with a weight of 10 kg. About 45 thousand rubles.
Video: domestic sewage pumping stations from the UNIPUMP SANIVORT line

Basic criteria for choosing a sewer pump

If a certain clarity has appeared with the required type of equipment, then you should also understand what parameters you should first of all pay attention to when choosing a pump for pumping out sewage:

  • Supply voltage. Most often, of course, “household” voltage is used - AC 220 V / 50 Hz. However, if significant pumping volumes are expected, then three-phase equipment rated at 380 W can also be used - it is much more powerful and more productive.
  • The next parameter is the power consumption of the pump. Since such devices have to cope with considerable loads, devices with a power below 400 W are practically never found.
  • The main operational parameter of any pump is directly dependent on the power mentioned above - the water pressure it creates, which is most often, for convenience, expressed in meters of water column.

It should be correctly understood that this indicator should include not only the height of the rise of liquids from a certain depth, but also the force required to overcome the horizontal sections by the drains.

With ordinary pumping of water, including, for example, from a storm sewer or storage hydrant, everything is quite simple - you can even calculate what pressure is required for specific conditions.

How to calculate the required water pump pressure?

This parameter depends on the location of the water source, the length of the pipes for pumping it, the diameter of the hoses, and the required pressure at the points of water consumption. The calculation method is given in the article on our portal dedicated to pumps for watering the garden and, with some calculation features, in the publication about choosing a pump for a well .

But with fecal waste the situation is somewhat different. Therefore, very often manufacturers indicate in technical documentation, in the form of tables, graphs or diagrams, specific values ​​for the maximum height and pumping distance of sewage.

For example, you can use the following table. The left column is the depth from which the sewage will be pumped out. The upper horizontal line is the distance from the primary wastewater storage tank to the place of discharge. At the intersection, you can determine what minimum pump pressure is required. The calculation is based on the condition that the outlet pressure does not exceed one atmosphere - this, as a rule, is quite sufficient.

Sewage intake depth [meters]Distance of the waste well from the liquid discharge point [meters]
  • For submersible pumps, an important parameter is the permissible depth of installation relative to the water surface. For surface ones - the maximum immersion depth of the intake hose.
  • A very important operational indicator is the performance of the pumping unit, that is, the volume of liquid that it is capable of pumping in a certain unit of time. It is measured in liters per minute or per hour. This parameter is especially important if the pump is used in a branched storm or drainage sewer system - the performance should not be less than the throughput of the collectors, otherwise overflow and flooding may occur.

For domestic sewerage, this is not so significant - on the scale of one private house, even the smallest sewage pumps should cope with possible volumes. Thus, low-power devices, up to 400 W, are usually capable of pumping up to 100 liters per minute, and middle-class installations, with a power of up to a kilowatt, can quite cope with the flow of wastewater in volumes of up to 200 and even 300 liters per minute.

  • The permissible size of solid impurities must be taken into account - this parameter has already been mentioned above.
  • The pump must be equipped with automation and appropriate levels of protection. So, in addition to the float control system for turning the power on and off, shutdown should be provided in case of overheating, short circuit, and sometimes in the event of other emergency situations. Valve devices must be provided to prevent the backflow of pumped liquids.
  • The aggressive environment of sewage drains is merciless to many construction materials. Leading manufacturers certainly take this factor into account. The pump must be enclosed in a reliable housing made of impact-resistant plastic, high-quality stainless steel or cast iron. For submersible pumps, a very important condition must be the degree of protection of the housing - not lower than IP 68.
  • The pump should be assessed by ease of use - weight, location of carrying handles or mounting pads, quality and convenience of pipes or flanges for connecting hoses or pipes. All such selection is carried out based on the actual conditions in which the equipment will be used - with a permanent installation or with the possibility of rearrangement as needed.
  • And finally, the reputation of the manufacturing company is of utmost importance. Unfortunately, there are many low-quality products on the market from unknown companies or counterfeits of originals from leading manufacturers, of course, at dumping prices that immediately attract attention.
  • It is unlikely that such counterfeits will last long. It's even worse if they cause a sewer system failure. The question is very serious, and when giving your money it is better to be sure of the authenticity of the product. Therefore, carefully check the technical documentation of the product, the terms and conditions of the warranty, the availability of service centers in your region of residence and the possibility of technical support. It would be a shame if an expensive and, in fact, high-quality device remains idle for the sole reason that it is not possible to purchase a trivial part to replace a failed one.

And which companies can be safely recommended to the reader - in the final section of the article.

Leading manufacturers of sewage pumps

  • "Grundfos"

corporate logo
means “spring” in Danish. This brand belongs to the famous Danish company, which, apparently, is generally a “trendsetter” in the production of pumping equipment. The achievements of designers and technologists become public domain over time and are quickly “adopted” by other manufacturers.

The range of products covers all areas of application of pumping equipment. The products are distinguished by the highest quality and high technological assembly standards. The demand for Grundfos pumps is traditionally very high. The company has representative offices almost all over the world. In Russia, they even opened two production lines for the production of these branded products. The easier it is in our conditions to obtain highly qualified technical support.

Popular model "Grundfos UNILIFT CC"

Typical features of Grundfos drainage and sewage pumps are special built-in level switches, modular design, plug-in cable connection, cartridge seals, and the ability to adjust the gap between the impeller blades and the product body.

Perhaps someone will be put off by the rather high price. But those consumers who place quality and durability at the forefront, first of all, always look for the opportunity to choose the right model from the Grundfos product range.

Video: visual demonstration of the capabilities of the Grundfos SEG sewage pump
  • "Redrollo"

A recognizable sign.
The products of this Italian company are also always at the peak of popularity. One of the manufacturer’s slogans is “our pumps work everywhere” - and this is by no means an exaggeration. For example, we can say that only in the line of devices designed to work in sewerage conditions there are more than a thousand models and their modifications.

Pumps for pumping out sewerage from the Pedrollo brand are always of the highest quality

Over more than 40 years of its history, it has risen to the highest levels of the ranking. If you carefully read consumer reviews (and this, by the way, is a very useful thing for all potential buyers), you can be convinced that even small models such as “PEDROLLO TOP VORTEX” are quite capable of coping with the constant drainage of a storm sewer or a clean septic tank chamber of an average private household .

Probably, one of the proofs of the authority of this brand is the fact that unscrupulous eastern manufacturers are trying to counterfeit it. Probably, products that did not deserve recognition would simply not be copied. By the way, this can also be regarded as a warning - be extremely careful and carefully check the originality of the device you are purchasing.

Video: drainage and fecal pumps "Redrollo"
  • "Gilex"

It is gratifying that the Russian manufacturer is trying to be in no way inferior to the leaders
. This is the very joyful case when a domestic manufacturer can be placed among the foreign “authorities” without any hesitation. Despite the somewhat “non-Russian” name, the company “Dzhileks” is Russian, and its history I'm already in my third decade.

By the way, the story is quite entertaining. The founders started with the sale of imported pumping equipment. However, over time, a landmark decision was made that “we ourselves can do no worse.” Taking into account the accumulated foreign experience, the company’s developers (and it has its own design department) designed and launched into production original models that are perfectly adapted for operation in our conditions.

A lot was taken into account - the possible instability of the network voltage in the Russian province, and the abundance of rivers, lakes or wetlands, and even the traditional economic way of life. The emphasis in development was on the simplicity and unpretentiousness of the pumps, the possibility of repairs, and a long, trouble-free service life.

Popular models for use in sewerage conditions are “Drainage” and “Fekalnik”

As a result, to work in sewerage conditions for various purposes, two lines of pumps have been developed and produced - “Drainage” (in the figure on the left) and “Fekalnik”, similar in appearance, but still differing in design.

What makes Gilex brand pumps attractive is their very affordable price (absolutely without sacrificing quality) and a wide network of service stations.

Video: Russian drainage pumps
  • "Vortex"

— Russian-Chinese “tandem”
The situation here is a little different. The name is Russian, but the company is rather a joint venture - the brand belongs to Russia, but production facilities are located in neighboring China.

However, this is not at all the case when the definition of “Chinese” means something of low quality or made “pirate”. Judging by the reviews, Vikhr brand pumps are quite efficient “hard workers” and can last a long time without fail.

Products: drainage and sewage pumps

Of course, there are also critical comments, including from professionals in the field of construction and debugging of sewer systems. True, they no longer concern the quality of the products, but the lack of information about them and the poorly organized technical support service. There were cases when there was simply no one to present certain complaints.

Apparently, the company's management got acquainted with such reviews and made the right conclusions. Judging by the updated official website, the network of service centers for servicing Vikhr equipment is expanding, and pumps of this brand are also becoming very popular among Russian consumers.

Video: presentation of inexpensive fecal pumps of the Vikhr brand

Types of pressure sewer pumps

When choosing pumping equipment for the sewerage system, it is necessary not to confuse it with drainage and water-lifting devices for drinking sources, such as wells, which are intended for water - clean or with fine impurities. If debris or too hard feces gets inside such units, they fail.

In turn, household sewer pumps are used to pump sewage containing waste that enters the drain from washbasins, toilets, sinks, washing machines and dishwashers. In this case, it is advisable to purchase a pump with a grinder capable of grinding all the debris before it gets inside the equipment.

Fecal pumps are used for:

  • transportation of sewage in sewer systems with forced pumping;
  • pumping sludge from cesspools, septic tanks and street toilets;
  • pumping water out of basements and cellars;
  • cleaning sewer wells and pipes from silt deposits.

It is impossible to perform the above type of work using a conventional drainage unit. The fact is that its impellers will clog very quickly, and then due to excessive loads the electric motor will overheat.

There are several types of sewer pump in a private house:

  • submersible;
  • superficial;
  • semi-submersible;
  • a small device for drainage from plumbing fixtures.

Scope of application of fecal pumps

The scope of application of these devices is wide. The device is considered universal and is used both in dachas, private homes, and in agriculture, factories and various buildings. They are used for:

  • regulation and installation of the optimal water level in storm sewers;
  • sewerage system devices;
  • pumping out liquid from a flooded room, cesspools, and also the basement after rainfall;
  • pumping out fecal matter;
  • pumping out manure on farms;
  • drying reservoirs, rivers, lakes.

In different situations, a certain type of sewage pump is chosen. To dry reservoirs, choose the most powerful fecal device with a large diameter. For storm sewers, the choice is a simpler option - with a yellow float to regulate the liquid level. When the water reaches a critical level, the automatic engine starts and drains the liquid.

Submersible pumps

This type of pump is placed in the sewer with its entire body. It is lowered to the bottom of the tank or suspended on a strong rope. All elements of the units are made of cast iron or stainless steel, so that during their contact with an active and aggressive environment they do not quickly fail.

Submersible pumping equipment usually operates automatically. As the container is filled with liquid, a special float rises along with it. After it reaches a certain point, the installation begins to operate in pumping mode.

When the reservoir is empty, the float switch turns off the unit. In this case, dry operation is practically eliminated. A deep pump for sewage is usually chosen because it has high performance and the presence of a grinder. Its cutting elements are capable of grinding various coarse waste to sizes that are not dangerous for such equipment.

Almost all models of submersible units are sold with built-in grinders. Their rotating knives can easily cut through hard and fibrous particles, as well as paper.

Which company should you choose?

Pumps are supplied to the Russian market by a considerable number of companies, both domestic and foreign.

Among them we can highlight:

  • Gilex is a domestic manufacturer that supplies affordable equipment of acceptable quality. The line includes both professional units and pumps for domestic use. It produces models with plastic and steel cases, lightweight, sealed, with reliable thermal protection and ease of maintenance and repair;
  • Herz is a German manufacturer whose models have increased wear resistance and a long service life. Their main feature is the ability to work even in extreme conditions. Some models have increased power - up to 260 liters of liquid per minute. The cases are made of cast iron, the parts are made of steel, so the models are quite heavy;
  • Vikhr is another Russian manufacturer that has proven itself well in the market. Many models are equipped with shredders, so the units are in high demand. The bodies are made of cast iron, and the chopper blades are made of high-strength steel. Models are capable of pumping up to 24 cubic meters of liquid per hour.

Surface devices

Surface-type devices intended for pumping out sewage are placed close to the collector that collects and moves waste liquid, or in any inspection well that is most convenient for installation. The last installation option is called dry.

Surface models are also considered to be pumping stations for forced sewerage due to the presence of separate parts assembled into one structure. In this case, the contaminated liquid is sucked through a hose connected to the pump and lowered to the bottom of the storage tank.

When choosing a surface unit, special attention should be paid to such an indicator as the suction depth - the manufacturer indicates it in the instructions supplied with the equipment. Most often this is 8 - 10 meters, but from a greater distance it will not lift wastewater from the storage tank. It is necessary to take into account both the height of the tank and the distance from it to the pump.

A surface low-power device for a forced sewer system is a compact device that is located next to the storage tank. To install more powerful equipment for pumping out wastewater, it is necessary to prepare a special place for it with reliable fixation to the floor.

When installing an outdoor unit, care should be taken to ensure its reliable protection from moisture. Unlike a submersible sewage pump, it is not intended for use in wet environments. Its body has minimal protection from water. If liquid gets inside the surface device, there is a high probability of a short circuit.

This pump is inexpensive, easy to operate, but very noisy. It is better to place it in a basement or other heated room. But, if the pump will be used from time to time to pump out the septic tank, then submersible installations are preferable.

General information

Pumps have three types of installation: submersible, semi-submersible, surface. Let's look at their main general characteristics in a comparative table.

mobilityprevent liquid from entering the motoreasy installation
robust housingno dismantling required in case of breakdownstability in the presence of air pockets
dry running protectiondoes not experience chemical wearhigh efficiency
lifting liquids from great depthsstandard suction depth up to 6 mstrong pressure
easy installationsmall diameter outlet pipelong service life
constant coolinglabor-intensive installationair cooled
silent operationno dismantling required in case of breakdown
possibility of liquid getting into the engineworking depth about 9 meters
experiencing chemical wearhigh noise level
repair requires removal of the pump

Submersible and semi-submersible devices are represented by fecal apparatus (models of this type are also found among drainage and slurry pumps). To understand which pump is best for pumping out sewerage, check out our article on fecal pumps.

Sewage installations and sewage pumping stations (SPS) are surface devices designed for pumping wastewater. Sewage accumulates in the tank; with the help of a pump (or two, working alternately), it passes through the cutting mechanism and is pumped into the sewer. The devices have a check valve, intake and additional filters. They are used:

  • for thick effluents or effluents containing large particles
  • if there are narrow pipes
  • to avoid blockages
  • if there is insufficient pressure in the pipes

Semi-submersible pump models

Devices of this type are considered an intermediate version of submersible and surface equipment for forced drainage of wastewater. The electric motor of a semi-submersible pump is placed above a reservoir with liquid on a special platform or on a platform nearby, at the same time the working chamber is lowered into the drains. These two parts of one pump are connected to each other by a rotating shaft.

The regular semi-submersible model is sold without a chopper. It is installed as an additional attachment, which complicates maintenance and increases the cost of the equipment.

Borehole pumps, their advantages and disadvantages

  1. The positive points include:
  2. they have a small diameter, which makes it possible to use it for pumping water from narrow wells;
  3. able to lift water from a depth of 50 meters;
  4. will work well near sandy, muddy or calcareous bottoms;
  5. it is perfectly protected from overheating and power surges;
  6. copies are produced that can be installed in a horizontal position.

There is one significant drawback. These categories of pumps are very difficult to repair. In order to troubleshoot a device, you must first remove it, repair it, and then install it again. But, despite this, the pump is able to operate without failure for quite a long time and its performance is very high.

Small pumps for plumbing

A sewer pump designed for a washbasin or toilet is a small-sized device that is mounted next to plumbing fixtures. From them, the wastewater first flows into a small tank, and then it is pumped out of it into the building’s sewer system.

Such pumping equipment is expensive, but its installation allows you to locate the plumbing in a place convenient for the user. After filling the sewer tank, the pump will pump sewage into the riser, even if the outlet into it is inclined upward.

Structurally, such systems are designed to self-clean the storage tank, so they require almost no maintenance. To prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors, there is a carbon filter inside the tank. To connect such units, no special skills are required. Caring for them involves cleaning the drive.

Types of drains

  1. Surface.
  2. Submersible.


The engine remains on the surface during operation. It is usually installed close to the source. Often its arrangement is carried out on a float raft.

Dirty liquid is pumped through a special hose or pipe. Due to its mobility, the surface unit can be moved from one place to another as it is used. The main condition is the availability of a power source.

Comparison of characteristics of submersible and surface equipment

If the pressure is the same, the submersible unit consumes less power at the output compared to its outdoor counterpart. The fact is that the first type of pump does not need to expend energy on sucking liquid from the bottom of the tank through the outlet in order to direct it into the working chamber. In this case, all the power is spent on ensuring pressure in the pressure system.

A deep-well pump is much less noisy than a surface pump, since it is completely immersed in liquid, which absorbs most of the sounds from the operating electric motor and rotating parts of the pump.

As for ease of use, surface models have an advantage, but if they are compact and mobile. Also, by the noise produced, you can check the correctness of their operation. The fact is that if the electric motor does not operate correctly, extraneous sounds are heard, which indicates the presence of problems.

With other parameters being equal, a surface device will always cost less than a submersible unit. But here a lot depends on the manufacturer of sewer pumps for a private home. It should be noted that equipment completely immersed in sewage is structurally more complex and technologically advanced, which explains its high price.

Design and principle of operation of the drainage system

Pumps for pumping are divided according to the principle of operation:

  1. Vibrating.
  2. Vortex.
  3. Centrifugal.


The principle of its operation is based on the occurrence of an electromagnetic field. It is created by installed coils. Once the existing rubber diaphragm flexes, low pressure is created, which causes water to be sucked in. However, due to voltage surges in the electrical network, malfunctions may occur.


The work process is carried out under the influence of a vortex wheel. It is a metal disk with blades. When suctioned, the water twists into a spiral that resembles a vortex. This type of device provides high performance.


A centrifugal force is generated inside the body, under the influence of which the water is set in motion. When the blades rotate, it is sucked in and pressed against the walls, and then pushed out. The centrifugal unit is capable of working with high temperature liquid.

Maximum pressure and lift height

How a sewage pump works depends on the pressure indicator, which determines the height of the sewage rising through the pressure network. But, in addition to the vertical section of the waste liquid movement, there is also a horizontal section of the outlet pipe.

A simplified calculation of this parameter looks like this: the horizontal distance must be divided by 10 and added to the length of the vertical section from the pump to the edge of the tank.

If calculations are made in accordance with all indicators, then it is necessary to take into account:

  • the temperature of the liquid, its composition and the amount of impurities contained in it;
  • pipe material and the degree of roughness of their internal surface;
  • the amount of pressure loss after the wastewater passes through the shut-off valves;
  • speed of fluid movement;
  • Atmosphere pressure;
  • pipeline diameter and much more.

All of the above parameters are taken into account by engineers when developing a sewerage system project. If you decide to do it yourself, then it is better to purchase equipment with a large margin of pressure and power.

Sewage pumping station (SPS)

CNS is considered the most profitable option. This device for pumping out wastewater is made from durable plastic that can withstand an aggressive environment. The hydraulic tank is sealed, there is no need to worry about leaks. A submersible fecal pump is inserted inside the tank. Its task is to process waste that ends up in the sewer system and pump the wastewater further.

Installation of pump station

First you need to dig a pit to the required depth. So that when installing the container, there is only a hatch at the top. Compact the bottom of the pit well, add sand and crushed stone, and fill with concrete (10 - 15 cm). The result is a concrete pillow. It needs to be given time to completely harden, about 7 days. The pumping station is lowered into the pit prepared in this way. They do this strictly according to the level. Any deviation from the vertical should be avoided. Then a pump is installed in the container according to technology.

To ensure that the pumping station is properly secured from the outside, water is poured into the hydraulic tank. The outside of the water container is sprinkled with sand, not reaching the edge 10 - 20 cm. At this distance, turf is laid on the sand. When the station is securely installed, the water from the hydraulic tank can be drained.

The pipeline discharging wastewater is secured by soldering or welding.

Working environment temperature

When installing a household sewerage system with a pump, equipment of two categories is used:

  1. For cold waste liquids whose temperature does not exceed 45 degrees.
  2. For hot wastewater with an operating temperature of up to 90 degrees.

If you plan to send only cold water to the sewer, then it is better to purchase the first pump option, since it is cheaper. Most often, such units are installed in country cottages. A liquid with a temperature of more than 100 degrees can enter the sewer system of a private house only in the event of an emergency discharge from the heating system.

Purpose: drainage or fecal

The degree of wastewater contamination determines the type of pumping equipment used to remove the liquid away from the home. If the main purpose of purchasing a pump is to pump out water from a washing machine or dishwasher, then it is quite enough to purchase a drainage pump.

In this case, the size of wastewater fractions should not exceed 50 mm, otherwise a blockage will form and the equipment may simply fail. It is for this reason that a fecal pump should be used to remove feces, as well as contaminated water, which contains large fractions ranging in size from 50 to 100 mm.

The capabilities of such equipment are quite sufficient to move biomass through pipes without creating blockages. For this purpose, the design provides for enlarged flow channels. To increase operating efficiency, models with a chopper have been created. This unit will be able to crush large solid fractions for successful passage through pipes. The name of this technique is fecal aggregates.

Automatic operation

Operating pumping equipment manually is quite inconvenient, since it will need to be constantly turned on and off, which means you need to be near the unit.

It is much better when the pump comes with:

  1. A float
    is an element that determines the level of waste in the storage tank and the need to turn the device on or off.
  2. Thermal relay
    is a part that is activated when the temperature of the electric motor rises to a critical level and prevents it from overheating by turning it off.

Some manufacturers of sewage pumps with a built-in grinder include the ability to self-clean its cutting mechanism, which increases the life of the unit without stopping for maintenance and reduces the likelihood that the electric motor will overheat.

Homemade fecal apparatus

In order to save money, many home craftsmen make their own pumps. To do this you need to prepare:

  1. Pump "Baby".
  2. Fine mesh.
  3. Metal rail.
  4. Rope.
  5. Welder.

The frame is made from metal slats. It is covered with an iron mesh with average cells of 10 by 10 mm. It will prevent the pump from clogging. A home-made installation can cope with impurities of 10 mm fractions without any problems. A strong rope is securely tied to the frame from above. Install the pump inside the manufactured cage.

Housing material and power supply features

You can power different models of pumping equipment for sewer networks from a single-phase and three-phase electrical network. The first option is more preferable and cheaper, since in case of problems with voltage, the unit can be connected via a stabilizer or connected to a portable generator.

A three-phase pump will require additional control panels to prevent it from being affected by phase imbalance in the electrical network, which will lead to higher costs for the equipment and difficulties during connection.

The most reliable installation is considered to be a sewage pump with a body and working part made of cast iron or stainless steel. Plastic analogues are cheaper, but when working in aggressive environments their service life without repair is much shorter.

The range of pumping equipment for pumping sewage is huge and without a competent approach it will not be easy to make a choice.

How to choose pumping equipment correctly?

When choosing a pump for pumping out sewerage, you need to pay attention to the many technical characteristics specified in its passport.

For example, performance parameters can help you estimate the time it takes to empty a wastewater tank. The higher this indicator, the more liquid the unit can pump, but also the more energy it consumes for this. There are many other nuances.

The first factor is the maximum pressure and lift height

The pressure indicator determines the height to which the sewer pump can lift wastewater along the pressure line. But here it is important to understand that in addition to the vertical, there is also a horizontal section of the outlet pipe.

Simplified, to calculate this parameter, the horizontal distance is divided by ten and added to the vertical footage from the pump to the edge of the container.

The calculated figure for the required lift height should be less than the maximum pressure indicated in the sewer pump passport by 20–25% (+)

However, this calculation is very simplified; if everything is done according to the rules, then you need to take into account:

  • composition and temperature of the liquid, as well as the size of impurities in it;
  • the level of roughness of all pipes (material of their manufacture);
  • pressure loss when passing shut-off valves;
  • diameter of pipelines;
  • Atmosphere pressure;
  • speed of wastewater movement and much more.

All this must be taken into account in the design of the sewer system, which only a highly competent engineer can do correctly. If you don’t have the appropriate knowledge, then you can’t do without consultations.

Or you will have to use a pump for pumping out sewage with a large reserve of power and pressure, otherwise it will not work properly for a long time.

The second factor is operating temperature

All pumping equipment for domestic sewage is divided into two categories:

  • for cold wastewater – with an operating temperature of up to 450C.
  • for hot wastewater – with operating temperature up to 900C

If only cold water is drained into the sewer system, then it is better to take the first option, which is cheaper. In most cases, these pumps are installed in cottages. In fact, boiling water can only enter the sewer system of a private home during emergency discharges from the heating system.

The third factor is the presence of automation

It is problematic to control the operation of a sewer pump manually, constantly turning it on and off. It will be necessary to remain close to the equipment at all times.

It is much better if the pumping equipment kit includes:

  1. Float - determining the level of wastewater in the storage tank in order to start and turn off the equipment.
  2. Thermal relay - triggered when the temperature of the electric motor critically increases in order to turn it off before overheating.

To reduce the likelihood of clogging of a sewage pump with a built-in grinder, some manufacturers provide a self-cleaning cutting mechanism.

This allows you to increase the periods of operation of the unit without interruptions and stops for maintenance. Automatic cleaning ensures that the risk of overheating of the electric drive is reduced.

The degree of grinding of waste found in waste directly depends on the structure of the shredder impeller - for knives it is higher than for the cutting edge (+)

The fourth factor is power supply and housing material

Various models of sewage pumps can be powered from a single-phase or three-phase electrical network.

The first option is cheaper and preferable in Russian conditions, so in case of problems with voltage it can be connected through a stabilizer or simply connected to a portable generator.

For three-phase pumping equipment, you will have to purchase additional control panels to protect it from phase imbalance in the electrical network. And this means additional money and difficulties in connecting.

The most reliable pumps for pumping out sewerage waste are those with both the body and the working part made of metal.

Often the pump housing is made of cast iron or stainless steel. Plastic analogues are cheaper, but in aggressive environments they will last less without repair.

A compromise between cost and reliability can be considered equipment with a plastic body but metal working elements.

The choice of pump also depends on the expected loads. When arranging sewerage in a country house with seasonal residence, surface or submersible units of low power are suitable.

To organize the drainage of wastewater from a private house, it is better to use a sewage pumping station.

Automation of drainage pumps

It is simply impossible to control the pump manually. Monitoring the water level and equipment condition, turning the unit on and off would require constant participation and presence of the user. Therefore, pumping equipment is equipped with devices that monitor and control operating parameters. Household drainage pumps for pumping out sewage waste are usually equipped with a “living wage” - the most necessary options for efficient operation.

  • Floats are a simple, inexpensive and trouble-free way to determine the level of liquid in a tank. Sensors installed on the floats turn on the unit when the tank is filled and turn off when the level has dropped sufficiently.
  • The thermal relay is activated when the temperature of the equipment rises. This eliminates the possibility of overheating and equipment failure.

Installation diagram of a submersible drainage pumping unit
Industrial models of drainage pumps can be equipped with more complex and accurate control devices, which are expensive, and their use in domestic conditions is not economically feasible.

Popular manufacturers

Experts insist: only equipment from well-known and trusted brands will ensure trouble-free operation of the sewage system and will be more economical due to its durability and reliability.

  • Any drainage pump for Grundfos is multi-functional and has a low noise level. Grundfos units are compact, reliable and easy to operate.
  • Most likely, not all Russian users will consider the stylish design of Gillex (Drainazhnik series) a significant advantage. However, few will remain indifferent to the performance qualities of units of this brand (low noise level, durability, ability to work in difficult conditions, compactness, reasonable price). Another advantage of the brand’s products is the adaptability of the models to work in Russian conditions.
  • Nocchi submersible drainage pumps are equipped with float sensors and have a wide range of applications. The advantage of the brand’s pumps is the presence of a self-cleaning system, which simplifies equipment maintenance and increases its trouble-free operation life.

Below is the average price for several models of drainage and sewerage pumps.

NameViewHead, mPower, WProductivity, cubic meters m/h Particle diameter, mmPrice, rub
Calpeda AM 40-110BSurface135503,61027300
Nocchi Drenox 160/8 AUTOSubmersible75507,2613900
Grundfos Unilift KP 150-A1Submersible53004,31014800
Gilex Drainer 150/6 FSubmersible64009353100
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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