Toilet in the country with a septic tank: options + DIY

Disposal of sewage waste is perhaps the most difficult task that can be encountered during the construction of a private house. If the house is located within the city or in a large village, then it will be enough to obtain permission to connect to the central drainage system. Things are much more complicated with suburban construction, where the installation of an autonomous system is already required. If necessary, you can assemble and install a septic tank for a toilet in a country house yourself, if you follow the step-by-step work algorithm.

The principle of operation of a septic tank for a toilet

The operating principle of septic tanks for toilets in the country may differ depending on the type chosen. There are several options:

  1. Sealed storage. This model is one of the simplest options, since such a septic tank resembles a cesspool, but does not pose a threat from an environmental point of view. Sealed containers are used to accumulate wastewater, and as the container is filled, cleaning is carried out using special equipment. With minimal water consumption, the storage tank is considered profitable, since all work can be done independently.
  2. Septic tank with a special platform for filtration. In the case when it is planned to connect not only a toilet in the country house to the septic tank, but also a bathhouse, sink, bathtub or shower, then it is best to install a full-fledged treatment facility. If water flows are high, the storage tanks will have to be cleaned very often, which will lead to additional costs. In such septic tanks, the wastewater is settled, after which the already clarified water enters the filter platform. The remaining sediment is subject to fermentation, which is facilitated by microorganisms.
  3. Biotreatment station – used at high water consumption levels. This option is considered the most modern, since it involves processes for complete wastewater treatment. A filter pad is not required.

In the process of choosing a suitable septic tank for a toilet in a country house, it is worth considering what water consumption is planned, whether additional elements will be connected - a shower stall, a bathhouse, a kitchen sink.

Hydrogeological conditions of the site

This factor is crucial both when choosing a septic tank and when installing it. Particular attention should be paid to the nature of the soil and the groundwater level.

For example, organizing a filter septic tank with a predominance of soil with a low level of water permeability (clayey) is difficult or even impossible. The same can be attributed to the organization of filtration fields for post-treatment of wastewater after an overflow septic tank. It is possible in principle to carry out this work, but it will require significant amounts of excavation work and investment. One of the available options for solving the problem is to organize a forced discharge of treated water.

High groundwater levels create a danger of equipment floating and flooding. To counteract the first, during installation it will be necessary to install it in the base of a concrete slab, as well as fixing the device body to it using nylon belts or cables. The second problem places special demands on the tightness of devices and additional measures for water drainage on the site.

Pros and cons of septic tanks for toilets in the country

The main advantage of septic tanks is that they can be used for toilets, baths and showers in summer cottages that cannot be connected to the central sewer system. However, there is also a significant disadvantage - the wastewater must be constantly pumped out, which requires special equipment.

Each option has its own pros and cons, which are described below.

Options for septic tanks for toilets in the country

Septic tanks are presented in a wide range of products, which allows everyone to choose the appropriate option based on the number of people, the volume of the tank, and the principle of operation. On sale you can find modern models that operate on electrical energy. Their advantage is that water purification is possible up to 98.5%, after which it can be used to water the garden without fear for the condition of the planted crops.


Shambo resembles an ordinary cesspool, which is familiar to many, only in an improved form. Thus, this type of septic tank is a reservoir into which wastewater from the toilet in the countryside flows.

If we consider the advantages of such models, we can highlight the following points:

  • easy to install, if necessary, you can do all the work yourself;
  • Shambo-type toilet septic tanks for dachas are easy to maintain;
  • installation is possible on any plot of land, regardless of location, soil type, depth of groundwater, size of the plot;
  • no electrical energy required.

Despite so many advantages, there are some disadvantages:

  • the likelihood of an unpleasant odor appearing in a summer cottage is quite high; to solve this problem, it is recommended to constantly use special bacteria that are added to containers or use purchased plastic systems;
  • If you use the toilet in your dacha all the time, you will have to call in special equipment several times a month to pump out the wastewater.

If necessary, you can make such a septic tank yourself using concrete rings.

Advice! Despite the fact that this option is widespread, it cannot be called good. It is best to give preference to storage septic tanks, which are on equal terms with Shambo, but are more improved.


A storage septic tank for a toilet in a country house is an excellent option for low water consumption. For example, if at a summer cottage a small number of plumbing fixtures or a septic tank is installed exclusively for the toilet, then some advantages can be highlighted:

  • easy to install by yourself;
  • affordable price;
  • you can install a septic tank even if there are no geological conditions.

You can pump out the contents from the containers yourself using a special fecal pump. During the pumping process, wastewater is placed in sealed containers. The disadvantage is that safe disposal of the pumped out masses is required in the future.

Attention! If water consumption is high, installing storage septic tanks for toilets in the country is unprofitable, since it will have to be pumped out frequently.


When water consumption is high, it is much more profitable to install a biotreatment station. A special feature of such models is the high-quality processing of wastewater, and installation is possible on any soil, regardless of type. A filter pad is not required.

Such stations are small in size. If in conventional septic tanks the wastewater must settle for 72 hours and the containers must contain the entire volume of liquids, then in the case of biotreatment stations everything is much simpler - the cleaning process does not take much time.

The main disadvantage is the constant need for electrical energy, which can be quite difficult in a summer cottage. In addition, the cost of such stations is high and not everyone can afford it. That is why it is recommended to first take into account the water consumption, and then approach the selection and purchase of a suitable septic tank for the toilet in the country.


The peculiarity of autonomous septic tanks for country house toilets is that they require electrical energy to operate. In addition, the wastewater is purified by 98%, which allows it to be subsequently discharged into open ground, small reservoirs or ditches. As practice shows, many summer residents use treated wastewater to water cultivated plants on their land. This option is best used in cases where people live at the dacha all year round.

If we consider the advantages, we can highlight the following points:

  • if necessary, you can choose a suitable model depending on the number of people;
  • can be used for regions where there is severe soil freezing;
  • Septic tanks are equipped with drainage pumps, which is very convenient when groundwater is high.

Such models are perfect not only for summer cottages, but also for private houses in which people live permanently.

Important! Some autonomous septic tanks are capable of working in cottage villages with a number of people from 50 to 150.

If your drain is clogged

It happens that the septic tank becomes clogged. Therefore, many owners of summer cottages are interested in what to do if the sewage system is clogged, how to clean the system? It is best, of course, to call a specialist. But you can try to solve the problem on your own. For these purposes, special ready-made mixtures of bacteria are suitable. They are added to the septic tank. As a result, fecal matter decomposes and the unpleasant odor is removed. The bacteria should be replenished periodically. And this applies to both simple and complex septic tanks. This way the system will last much longer.

Thus, a country toilet with a toilet and a septic tank is today the most optimal solution for creating comfortable living conditions outside the city.

The system prevents the spread of unpleasant odors. Therefore, the structure can be placed near the house. Also, as a result of the processing of sewage, fertilizers are formed, which can be successfully used to feed agricultural crops. There is a wide range of septic tanks on the market. Their cost depends on the size and volume of the structure, as well as on the manufacturer.

How to choose the right septic tank

In order to choose the right septic tank for a toilet in your country house, you should first decide on the main nuances:

  1. Seasonality. If you plan to use it only in summer, it is not recommended to choose aerobic bacteria, as the bacteria may die.
  2. Budget. If financial opportunity allows, then biotreatment systems are an excellent option.
  3. Soil type. In this case, they look at the level of groundwater.

Once clear answers have been given to these questions, you can begin to select and purchase the appropriate option.

Selection of cleaning system

The choice of a wastewater accumulation and treatment system should begin with determining how much liquid will flow into it daily. A septic tank for an outdoor toilet may require a significantly smaller tank. On average, one person uses 130-150 liters of water daily. This number is multiplied by the number of residents and by 3. In this case, it is worth choosing a tank with a reserve of at least 200 liters. It is worth remembering that an installed septic tank can work not only for the toilet, but also for draining water from all systems of the house, as the main element of the sewer system.

One of the best options is to install a turnkey sewer system. This simplifies the tasks of owners in choosing and installing the structure. If the equipment will be used only for a toilet in a suburban area, then a small structure will be the best option. Small tanks are also suitable for seasonal homes.

Turnkey installation is the most rational option Source

A large selection of different cleaning systems allows you to install the optimal septic tank for each owner of a summer house or home. Of course, cleaning systems that cause minimal harm to the environment have a much higher priority in choice, but the high cost of such structures does not allow many people to install them on their site.

As for installation, you can install the tanks yourself, but it is best to entrust this task to professionals. This guarantees the durability and reliability of the structure.

Installing a septic tank in the country

If a single-chamber drive is selected, it must be installed under the toilet. You can make such septic tanks yourself or purchase a ready-made factory version.

The step-by-step installation process is as follows:

  1. The first step is to dig a pit, assemble the formwork, and then fill it with prepared cement-concrete mortar.

  2. A cover is mounted on top, in which a hole of a suitable size is first made for mounting the toilet flush. When the work is completed, they assemble the house for the toilet.

  3. A homemade structure with a seat is used as a toilet, since such toilets do not have a flush.

The purchased storage device is mounted in a pit. In this case, a cushion of river sand and fine gravel is first poured onto the bottom.

It is recommended to pump out the septic tank as it fills.

Simple tire cleaning design – maximum savings

If you have no particular desire to purchase bricks, it is not difficult to build a country septic tank with your own hands from used tires. Its device is very simple. The scheme of work is as follows:

  1. You dig a pit, at the bottom of which a layer of crushed stone is placed as an elementary filter for wastewater.
  2. You stack the tires (on top of each other) and connect them together (pierce holes in the tires and tie them together). The number of tires should be such that they fill almost the entire dug pit.
  3. Place a pipe into the hole through which dirty water will flow.
  4. Cover the resulting structure with a shield made of wood or other material.

Tire cleaning device

Let us immediately note that such a simple septic tank does not clean drains well and requires quite frequent periodic pumping. It cannot be used in winter (at sub-zero temperatures it literally freezes through). The design made from tires is optimal for a country house, where people relax exclusively in the summer and make little use of plumbing amenities.

How to make a septic tank for a toilet in a country house with your own hands

Despite the fact that the device is complex, if necessary, you can do it yourself. For these purposes, you will need to build a toilet in your dacha using sealed chambers and overflow pipes.

The step-by-step algorithm looks like this:

  1. The first step is to choose the right location for the future toilet in the country. If you adhere to sanitary standards, then the distance from the water source is 35-45 m, from the living space - 10-15 m.

  2. The depth at which the chambers will lie depends entirely on the groundwater level and soil freezing. In order for bacteria to do their work, the temperature must be positive.

  3. Since the toilet at the dacha will be homemade, the pit must be dug in accordance with the shape and size of the installed chambers. There can be from 1 to 3 cameras.

  4. The most common device is the manufacture of 3 chambers.
  5. The chambers are connected to each other using overflows. PVC pipes with a diameter of 10 cm are excellent for these purposes.

At this point the work is considered completely completed.

Instructions for use and care

The main care process comes down to the timely introduction of bacteria into storage containers. Biological products can be found on sale in specialized stores in the form of powder, granules, tablets or in liquid form. It is recommended to choose the product depending on the type of septic tank chosen - anaerobic or aerobic bacteria. On sale you can find modern drugs that contain two types of microorganisms. Thanks to this feature, bacteria are able to take root as quickly as possible even in those septic tanks that are made independently. This increases the efficiency of the selected option and reduces the need for maintenance.

Since the settling tank begins to become dirty during operation, it is necessary to remove sludge in a timely manner. It is not recommended to pour chemical reagents into the sewer system at your dacha, due to the fact that an aggressive environment can kill all beneficial bacteria. To clean the toilet, use a mechanical option.

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