How to correctly install a water meter in a private house

Are you thinking about installing a water meter against the backdrop of regular tariff increases? Agree that it would be a good idea to use it to determine the consumption of water resources and significantly reduce the cost of paying for the use of hot and cold water. You don’t want to call a technician from the utility service for installation, but plan to do all the work yourself, but have never done this before?

We will tell you how to install water meters yourself, where to start and what rules to follow when putting them into operation. The article offers a diagram of the correct connection of water meters, discusses the step-by-step installation process with visual photographs and video tips from experienced craftsmen.

We also paid attention to the legal aspect of self-installation - we explained in detail which statements and other documents should be submitted to which organizations.

Are water meters necessary?

At the beginning of the last century, the majority of water consumers from central water supply networks paid for the services of the water supply organization, taking into account established standards. These standards determined the amount of water consumed by each person living in the house. That is, the amount was fixed. Today, as mentioned above, changes have occurred.

We must immediately make a reservation that there is a government decree that clearly states that gas, water and electricity meters must be installed at each facility. But there is a caveat if their consumption is made from centralized networks. For example, for an autonomous water supply from a borehole or well, there is no need to install a meter. This also applies to the gas main if the owner of the house uses gas tanks.

Today, the installation of a water meter is planned at the stage of designing a house and utilities. If the house is old, then the water meter is installed by tapping into old water pipes.

Inserting a meter into an old water supply system Source

Installing water meters is a necessary process. The reason is an imperfect payment system based on each consumer. It is imperfect in that the water supply organization has one main goal - to make a profit. But this system does not take into account one factor - there is no control over how much water, for example, residents of a private house consumed. There are 5 people registered in the house, but three live there. Or someone went on a business trip or ended up in the hospital. Or the whole family went on vacation. All the same, payment for consumed water will be made based on five people.

Even if you don’t take into account these obvious, or rather, probable moments, and look at the statistics, then installing a water meter is much more profitable. For example, according to standards, each person must pay for 11.7 m³ of water per month. But on average, if a water meter is installed, he only pays for 4 m³. The difference is simply huge. At the same time, if you are the owner of a private house with a garden plot, then you will be charged for the territory used. After all, there will definitely be a garden or vegetable garden, a flower bed or a greenhouse, which you must water. And if you also have a car, then several cubic meters will be added to the standard.

Wash a car at home Source

And with all this, no one takes into account whether you are watering your garden plot or whether it is completely asphalted. Do you wash your car yourself at home or take it to a car wash?

That is, it turns out that installing a water meter is much more profitable. True, you will have to make certain expenses: buy a water meter and pay for the services of installers. But, as practice shows, these expenses pay off within six months.

There is another positive side to installing a water meter. Many consumers take water for granted. Here she is and that’s it. And you can use it without restrictions. Such people do not understand that water resources are not limitless. An installed water meter disciplines such people. They don't want to pay large sums of money, so they will try to use less water. In addition, everyone tries to take care of the plumbing. A thrifty owner will not have a leaking faucet or a leaking toilet.

We do not use water sparingly Source

In order to correctly install a water meter, and even more so, to operate it competently, you need to know its design features. The bulk of water meters are devices whose operating principle is based on the rotation of one blade element. This is either an impeller or a turbine.

The water passes through the channel where the impeller is installed. It rotates and transmits torque to the counting device. The latter can be mechanical or electronic. One revolution of the impeller corresponds to a certain volume of water passed through the device.

Meters with impellers installed have one drawback. This element is subject to the influence of so-called turbulent flows. They appear when water pressure increases. Such flows reduce the speed of rotation of the blades. Let us add that the impeller itself is an inert mechanism, that is, for optimal rotation it needs a starting speed. Therefore, at the beginning of rotation the impeller has a lower speed. Although manufacturers precisely adjust it to the required dimensions.

Structural elements of a water meter Source

But it should be noted that on the scale of one small house this is not so noticeable and does not have such a strong effect on consumption losses. That is why water meters of this type are so common in private housing construction.

If the water main is more serious and has high pressure, then turbine-type meters are installed. They have no shortcomings. Therefore, their accuracy is much higher.

Let us add that there are so-called combined models on sale. This is a complex device consisting of two channels that are closed by valves. If the pressure in the water supply network is low, then the water passes through the channel where the impeller is installed. If the pressure increases, the valve closes and the channel where the turbine is installed opens.

Turbine water meter in section Source

There are designs that are divided by the number of channels inside:

  • single-jet;
  • multi-jet.

In the first, the channel is a single chamber through which the entire water flow passes. It is in such devices that turbulence occurs. Secondly, the stream is divided into several channels. And it is in such water meters that there is no turbulence.

There is another classification where devices are divided into “dry” and “wet”. In the latter, the impeller is located directly in the channel and is in contact with the passing water flow. The advantages of this model: low price and insensitivity to magnetic influences. Flaws:

  • quickly fails due to corrosion of metal elements, because the impeller is always in water, and the counting device is in contact with it;
  • When the quality of the water mass is low, the mechanisms become clogged with sand, silt and other troubles.

In “dry” water meters, the impeller is located in the channel, and the counting device is separated from it by a sealed chamber. That is, its mechanism does not come into contact with water. This extends the life of the entire device. The transmission of rotation is transmitted through a magnetic pair. One magnet is installed on the impeller, the other on the counting device. Magnets are rings. The only drawback of this model is the presence of magnets. They do not work well if they are exposed to a magnetic or electric field. Manufacturers solved this problem by installing magnetic protection in the form of a coupling in water meters.

Dry type water meter Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in the installation of water supply, sewerage and heating systems

Today, manufacturers offer electronic water meters. Their distinctive feature from mechanical ones is a reed switch sensor, which converts the rotational movement of the impeller into electromagnetic pulses. The latter arrive on the display panel, where the water consumption is displayed. Therefore, such water meters consist of two parts connected by a cable. The display panel can be moved outside at a distance of the length of the cable. Let us add that electronic models can display not only water consumption, but also show the cost for it according to current tariffs. That is, such devices can be programmed.

Set of tools

To quickly cope with the installation of the device, you need to prepare the necessary set of tools in advance:

  1. Bulgarian.
  2. Soldering iron.
  3. Hacksaw or scissors.
  4. Gas keys, adjustable.
  5. Tow, FUM - tape.
  6. Corners.
  7. Sgony.
  8. Couplings to upgrade to a larger size.

Using angles and bends, the devices are connected to the pipeline. Instead, you can use flexible rubber or rubber hoses with aluminum braid. Together with the device there are rings for sealing or American ones in the form of a connecting fitting. For a hot water meter, joint seals made of paranitic gaskets are used. FUM - tape or tow is laid between the American and the valve.

What criteria are used to select a water meter?

First of all, you need to contact the water supply organization of your territorial location. There they will show you which meters need to be installed. Because today, multi-tariff payment networks have already been introduced in many regions, and it is impossible to do without pulse devices. Many water utilities offer water meters that they have in stock, as well as installation services. Here they will explain to you the rules for installing a water meter in a private house.

Pulse water meter Source

We must immediately make a reservation that you cannot purchase the device from your own hands. Why:

  • there is a high probability that the water meter you purchased is a refurbished used unit, or it is of low quality;
  • Some water utilities have already encountered all kinds of counterfeits, so they may not accept the meter you purchased for operation; you will have to buy another one that meets the requirements.

What it is recommended to pay attention to when purchasing a water meter:

  • Before installing the water meter, you need to select it. Please know that there are two types of water meter: for cold and hot water. The first can operate in the temperature range of 5-40C, the second at 40-90C. the latter can be used in a cold water supply system, the former cannot be installed on a hot water supply. It is impossible to confuse both models, because manufacturers paint them in different colors: blue for cold, red for hot. Today, universal devices painted gray have appeared on the market. They can be used on both systems.
  • The second selection criterion is the nominal diameter, designated as “Dn”. This is the diameter of the meter pipes, and it must match the diameter of the water pipe into which it fits.

Universal gray meter Source

  • The following is the accuracy class of the product. There are two classes: “A” - it has an accuracy of ±1%, “B” - an accuracy of ±2%. Both models can be installed in private homes. It’s just that “B” class devices are mounted only on horizontal sections of water pipes. In this case, the scale should be directed upward. A class “A” device can be installed in any area, regardless of its location or direction. The only thing that needs to be added is that class “A” meters installed on horizontal pipes cannot be placed with the scale down.
  • Installation of metering devices of this type requires a preliminary determination of the water pressure inside the water supply system. Because standards have been set for them. For example, for a Du-15 meter the limit is 1 MPa, which is 10 bar. For Du-20 – 1.6 MPa.
  • There are two more important characteristics. This is the maximum and nominal water flow that the device can record. For water meters Du-15: nominal is 1.5 m³/h, maximum is 3 m³/h. If the flow rate exceeds the maximum value, the device itself will quickly fail.

Attention! All important information regarding the water meter is usually printed on the front panel of the product. Or it can be found in the device passport.

Let's consider, for example, one device and the inscriptions on its panel. Here he is in the photo below.

Cold water meter Source

Differences in mounting DHW and cold water devices

It is permissible to install a DHW meter on a cold pipe; in other words, it is permissible to install two red ones for hot and cold water.

Note the advice of practitioners! You can install both red meters, but for convenience it is better to separate them so that there is no confusion when collecting readings.

There are houses in which the hot water supply system operates according to a two-pipe system. To install a water meter on a hot water supply, you need a bypass valve. Otherwise, the meter will count excess water consumption.

For cold water meters, rubber gaskets are installed; for domestic hot water, the private owner must buy paronite gaskets.

Installation rules

So, let's move on to the main question - how to properly install a water meter. You need to start by contacting the water utility. There are certain laws that must be followed. As for private houses, today the meter must be installed outside the house. The reason is free access to it by representatives of the water supply organization. That is, so that they simply do not enter the house. And if the owners are absent, the inspector himself can take readings.

There are two situations related to the installation of a water meter:

  • The house is just under construction.
  • The house is in use and needs to be connected to an existing water supply.

Legal aspects of self-installation

The legislation does not provide for categorical prohibitions on the manifestation of such independence. The main thing is to use common sense and comply with regulatory requirements and installation rules during installation.

But in most cases, their connection is carried out by specialized organizations that have appropriate permission to perform this type of work.

Licensed organizations install metering devices, strictly observing the requirements and procedure for putting installed metering devices into operation

If you are forced to use the services of specialized companies, be aware that this is illegal. You can do the procedure of inserting into an equipped water supply system on your own.

When installing equipment, it is worth considering a number of points:

  1. Purchase devices only from licensed companies. The device must be accompanied by a technical passport.
  2. Installation of equipment involves shutting off the water supply through the riser, which is quite problematic to do on your own.
  3. When installing and connecting the device, it is important to follow the water meter connection diagram and strictly follow the technology. Otherwise, if the pipeline breaks, all losses will have to be reimbursed from your wallet.

In order for the readings of a self-installed water meter to be accepted when calculating utility bills, it is necessary that they be sealed and placed on the balance sheet of the local Vodokanal branch.

Video description

The video shows how to correctly assemble a water metering unit:
From this it turns out that before installing a water meter in a private house, you need to completely assemble the entire unit.

Second situation

Here the problem is solved - how to change the water meter. Previously, water meters were installed inside houses. Today, as mentioned above, they are taken outside the buildings. At the same time, they are trying to get rid of old models.

If a transfer is made, it will completely correspond to the installation. That is, the question of how to replace a water meter will not be appropriate here. Because this is, in fact, a complete installation process with the formation of a well. And although a valve or gate valve is already installed at the connection point, the remaining actions are carried out strictly according to the principle described above with the installation of a check valve, shut-off valves and a strainer.

It's another matter when the meter is in a well. It has failed and requires replacement. By law, replacing a water meter yourself must be done with notification of the water supply organization. The thing is that the device has a seal from this organization. You can't clean it yourself. This must be done by a representative of the water utility. If you show independence, then everything will turn out to have not very good consequences. You may be charged with unauthorized use of water. Like, you removed the meter and installed a straight pipe instead. And then they changed it back to the device. That is, you spent a certain amount of cubes illegally. You will be issued a fine, and if you do not pay it, you will be summoned to court, where a decision will be made based on the letter of the law.

Therefore, first of all, you need to write an application to the water utility. A representative will come and remove the filling in front of you. Now you can change. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to change the water meter themselves, or whether this should be done by representatives of the water utility. There are no restrictions here: if you want to change it yourself, if you want to use the services of specialists or third-party organizations.

You cannot remove the filling yourself Source

Who does the sealing and when?

We reviewed the installation diagram of the water meter both independently and with the assistance of craftsmen. Now let’s take a closer look at the moment when experts certify the correctness of the technology.

The very fact of the employee’s arrival and the drawing up of the report is confirmation of the correctness of the measures taken. That is why only people from the housing office or specialized companies with a license can sign it.

The plumber performs an inspection, checks for the presence of factory seals and looks for damage. Then he opens the taps and makes sure that the readings change. When he makes sure that everything is correct, then he will draw up the paper in two copies. He will take one of them with him and transfer it to management, and the second will be kept by the owner.

Video description

The video shows how to correctly replace the meter and what to do with the documents:
And at the end, one more recommendation. After installation is completed, it is necessary to test the assembled unit. To do this, one tap is opened inside the house or in the yard. Then you need to open the shut-off valve in the well a little. It is not recommended to open completely immediately, because water hammer may occur in the water supply network. In this case, there is always a possibility that the meter will fail due to the impact.

As soon as the water displaces all the air from the water supply, that is, it begins to pour out of the tap, you can open the valve completely. First, the unit is checked for leaks. Secondly, they look at the pressure from the tap. Usually, if the unit is assembled correctly and there are no serious leaks, then the pressure will be optimal.

And one last thing. All metering devices are subject to inspection after a certain period of operation. This is indicated in the product passport. So, you cannot remove the water meter yourself, and therefore remove the seals. This must be done by a representative of the water supply organization. The most interesting thing is that dismantling and installation is a paid service. Yes, and checking can cost you a lot. Therefore, many owners of private houses purchase a new meter and install it instead of the old one. It turns out cheaper, and the procedure itself is simplified - you don’t have to take the device to a workshop and wait for it to be checked.

What to do after?

The final stage after installation is a mandatory performance check. To do this, perform the following steps sequentially:

  • turn on the water supply;
  • gradually open the ball valve;
  • check if there is a leak.

If everything went without a water leak and the meter is working normally, they call a Vodokanal inspector . After the inspection, the water meter is sealed, registered and marked in the device’s data sheet.

The private owner must receive a document confirming the acceptance of the device into operation, a technical passport with a mark on the date of the seal. Calculations of meter readings are carried out from this day.

You cannot install the seal yourself or invite private craftsmen . The sealing procedure is carried out after an official application for acceptance of the device for measuring water flow.

Important! Until registration has been completed, water meter readings cannot be taken to calculate the cost of water supply services. It is better to do the procedure immediately after successful testing of the metering design.

Briefly about the main thing

The law determines that water meters must be installed at all facilities, regardless of their purpose.

There are several types of water meters, and they are divided according to the bore diameter, the number of channels inside, and the type of counting mechanism: mechanical and electronic. The latter are the meter itself and the remote panel connected by cable.

Manufacturers offer dry and wet meters. In the first, the counting mechanism is located in a sealed chamber and does not come into contact with water. In the second, this mechanism comes into contact with water.

Water meters are produced in two classes: “A” – with an error of ±1%, “B” – ±2%.

Installation is carried out in a well on the street so that water utility representatives can freely take readings.

The water meter unit consists of the meter itself, two shut-off valves, a strainer and a check valve.

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How to transfer data

You will need to submit actual consumption data monthly. The procedure is implemented differently in different regions, but basically there are several ways:

  • pieces of paper torn and filled out from the subscription book are placed in special boxes;
  • leave data in your personal account on the website of the water supply organization;
  • send emails with testimony to a special address of the organization.

There may be other methods - each water utility or diesel power plant develops them itself. If there are several ways, you choose the one that is easier for you.

Water meter readings can be sent to the campaign website, to their email address, or tear-off slips can be placed in a special box

Who can install the meter

Since this type of activity is not licensed, installation can be carried out by anyone. If the Management Company imposes its services, then you should find out on the basis of what legal documents they prohibit you from carrying out this procedure.

The work of a plumber to install a water meter costs on average 400-500 rubles, excluding the cost of consumables.

Installation of the meter is carried out in the following order:

  1. Stopcock;
  2. Dirt filter;
  3. Water meter;
  4. Check valve.

With the optimal approach, you should purchase all the elements at once, ensuring that all diameters match. Otherwise, you will need to purchase additional adapters.

But after installing the meter, it must be sealed. IMPORTANT: this procedure is carried out free of charge, in accordance with Government Decree No. 824 of September 19, 2013.

Some Management Companies try to charge a fee for this procedure. This is motivated by the fact that sealing is carried out free of charge, but registration must be paid for. Or you will be required to pay for calling a specialist. REMEMBER - THIS IS ILLEGAL .

Working with metal pipes

The difficulty in working with metal pipes can only be threading. This is especially difficult to do if the pipe is located close to the wall.

But this issue can be very conveniently solved with the help of GEBO compression connections. The “GEBO” brand has become a household name, like a copier or a jeep, so the manufacturer may be different. The main thing is that when using such adapters, you do not need to use welding or thread cutting. The compression connection is very reliable, and the guarantee for tightness is comparable to the service life of the pipe.

The price of one compression adapter, depending on the diameter of the pipe, varies from 350 to 700 rubles. But in any case, the process of installing a water meter with your own hands will go much faster.

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