How to clear a clogged drain in an apartment building

The condition of sewer pipelines determines the overall performance of the system. A clogged sewer in an apartment building is a serious problem that affects all residents of apartments related to the problem drain.

It must be eliminated as quickly as possible, since the system cannot be used. At least one of the apartments will begin to flood, and the result will be a lawsuit against the culprit of the blockage. The question is capacious, far beyond the scope of ordinary plumbing tasks, so it should be considered more carefully.

What is the appearance of a blockage?

A clogged sewer riser most often results in a slowdown or complete cessation of water flow through the pipeline. The residents of the floor at which the blockage has occurred will suffer the most - the pressure of the drains in the vertical riser will force the liquids to look for another outlet; most often, they overflow the toilet bowl and flow onto the floor. People living on the upper floors cannot use clogged drains, but they are unaware of the problem and continue to use the systems as usual and increasingly flood their neighbors below.

Other signs of a blockage may include:

  • the appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor;
  • cloudy water in the toilet after flushing;
  • the appearance of air pockets or congestion of organic deposits, manifested in the slow passage of wastewater.

Other manifestations of the resulting blockage are also possible. As soon as its occurrence has become obvious, residents of the lower floors need to notify their neighbors above about the emergency situation and immediately take measures to eliminate it.

Hydrodynamic method

This method is not suitable for apartments. It is used in private homes to work with pipes with a cross section of 5-35 cm .
Contaminants are penetrated and washed away with a water jet supplied by a special device. A high-strength rubber hose with a nozzle is inserted into the clogged area. The machine pumps water under high pressure. The liquid is directed into the hose and knocked out through the nozzles located in the nozzle. Bouncing off the walls of the pipe, it propels the device forward and removes dirt as it passes through the channel.

What is the reason

The causes of clogged sewers in an apartment building are most often due to improper operation of the system. Any multi-storey building has as many risers as there are apartments on the site. They are connected in the basement into one horizontal line that flows into the yard sewer line. The more subscribers use one line, the greater the likelihood of congestion or traffic jams.

example of a blockage

The sewer becomes clogged for two reasons:

  • the appearance of fatty deposits in the pipe;
  • foreign objects entering the sewer system.

Fat deposits enter the internal cavity along with kitchen drains and gradually accumulate in areas of changes in thickness, diameter, and changes in the direction of the pipeline. The main danger lies not so much in the layers themselves, which rarely clog pipes, but in their sticky texture. If any object, even the smallest one, gets into the pipe, it will stick and remain on the surface of the layers. Gradually, there will be more of these objects, a plug will form, which will increase in size and one day completely block the entire cross-section of the pipe.

In addition, pipes often become clogged for the following reasons:

  • throwing food waste down the toilet;
  • throwing away cat litter;
  • hair or wool getting into the pipes.

If everything is more or less clear with food waste, then with cat litter there is some problem. The fact is that manufacturers directly indicate on the packaging that the filler can be thrown into the toilet in small portions. Naive users do this, and as a result they have to answer to their neighbors in court. The called plumbers break through the complex blockage of the central sewer riser, discover the composition of the plug, and the person responsible for the ingress of foreign objects will be held responsible.

Hair getting into pipes causes a lot of trouble for residents and plumbers. They constantly accumulate in the siphons of bathtubs or showers, making it difficult for waste to escape. If they travel further through the system and accumulate in the area of ​​a bend or transition to a pipe of a different diameter, labor-intensive cleaning will have to be carried out to a greater depth. Such plugs are complicated in that they cannot simply be pushed through; they must be removed from the internal cavity, otherwise there will be no beneficial effect from cleaning.

Incorrect installation

There is another reason for blockages - improper installation of sewer pipes. There may be a lack of slope or incorrect connection of horizontal pipelines to the vertical central riser. Mistakes made by builders are the explanation why the sewer system in an apartment building is constantly clogged. Due to the fault of residents, blockages occur relatively rarely, but frequent repetition of the same problem is evidence of improper installation of the sewer network.

As a result, mistakes made by builders

We carry out chemical sewage treatment

The next type of blockage, the procedure for eliminating which we will discuss, is the formation of layers on the inner surface of the pipes, which can be removed using aggressive liquids.

Chemicals for clearing clogged drains

A wide range of such solutions or powders are sold in hardware stores, but before you pour some infernal mixture into your drain, start with the simplest solvent - hot water.

Many areas of the sewer system can become clogged with fatty deposits, which simply dissolve under the influence of hot water. But when using this method, remember that some types of plumbing fixtures are very sensitive to the effects of boiling water - they can simply crack. To prevent such a nuisance, first heat the equipment by pouring not boiling water on it, but just hot water. By the way, heating clogged sections of sewer pipelines can also be a good way to get rid of the blockage. But don't overdo it - plastic sewer pipes, which are widely used in modern systems, can melt when exposed to high temperatures.

After hot water, next in the rating of “destructiveness” in relation to blockages is an ordinary soda solution. Mix half a pack of baking soda with a bucket of water and pour this mixture into a device that does not drain water well. The alkaline solution can attack clogged areas and remove obstructions.

And finally. At the last stage, you can use purchased industrial products. When purchasing them, be sure to study their composition and recommendations for use. Otherwise, the prepared solution may not only dissolve the obstacle to wastewater, but also break the tightness of the connections of sewer pipelines.

What consequences may there be

The consequences of clogged sewer pipes can vary. If the problematic element turns out to be an indoor lounger, then there will be a slowdown or complete stop of the discharge of wastewater from sinks, bathtubs or toilets. Clearing such blockages is quite simple, you can even do it yourself.

Much more dangerous is a clogged sewer in the basement of an apartment building. He actually stops operating the sewer riser while they fix the problem. All this time, the maximum troubles will fall on the residents of the first floor, who will demand compensation for damage in court. The procedure is complex, requiring a search for the perpetrators and other actions.

Sewage leaks in the basement contribute to the destruction of the foundation, the appearance of rot and mold, mosquitoes, and the spread of infectious diseases. If leaks are detected, you should immediately call specialists.

Methods for removing paper stopper

After you have independently discovered the location and cause of the blockage, you need to decide how to clean the sewer pipes at home in each individual case. If there is a paper plug that clogs the toilet, you can use a method such as using water hammer. As a result, a sharp increase in pressure on one side of the clog will push the lump of paper through the narrowest area.

But in the end, the cause of the problem will not be eliminated, and the paper plug will end up in the sewer riser. In most cases, it collapses there and does not create an obstacle to the movement of wastewater, but sometimes blockage of the outlet to the well or beds is possible. This can happen when the pipe has already been partially clogged with grease or debris.

How to remove a blockage

So, the sewer riser is clogged, what should you do? You can resolve the issue yourself, or contact the management company. There will most likely be a fee for contacting the management company, although different situations are possible. There are two types of self-cleaning:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical.

You need to break through the blockage with your own hands using special tools:

  • plunger;
  • plumbing cable.

A plunger is effective only when there is a blockage in the water seal of sinks, bathtubs or toilets. If the problem lies in horizontal pipes, a cable should be used. Mechanical cleaning methods are no less effective than chemical ones, but you have to work with a cable blindly and at random, and chemical agents fill the entire internal volume of the pipe right up to the blockage and dissolve it. Some people use various “folk” remedies - vinegar, etc. This should not be done as the harsh chemicals can destroy the cast iron riser or basement line pipes. You need to use certified products, which are abundant in stores. Typically, the cleaning composition is poured into the sink or toilet and left for a certain period of time to act on the clog.

You may also find it useful: How to clean a drain and clear a blockage with your own hands

If it turns out that the problem lies in the vertical riser, it is best to contact the management company to receive qualified assistance.

Removing food waste blockages

Owners are often interested in how to clean the drain at home if it is partially or completely clogged with food waste. Typically, a plumbing cable is used for this purpose, which is a simple and inexpensive tool.

It is a regular steel cable or a special spring wound around a flexible core made of steel. At one end of the tool there is a handle that allows you to rotate it, and at the other there is a hook that can break up the blockage.

To use a cable to clean the sewer system in an apartment if the comb is clogged, you must:

  • open the nearest socket;
  • Apply a rotating, tensioned tool to the blockage.

The process of cleaning sewers in an apartment has a number of nuances:

  • the cable must be fed under tension, otherwise it will fold into a loop;
  • It is better to clear the blockage together, while one person feeds the cable into the pipe, the second pulls it and rotates the handle;
  • it is necessary that the hook at the end of the cable passes the plug several times and thereby destroys it as much as possible;
  • The remaining food waste is washed off with plenty of water.

There is another method for cleaning drains at home - chemical. Organic matter can be destroyed not only mechanically, but also using household chemicals. But before this, you should remove the water that has collected in the pipe before the blockage.

One of the special means for cleaning sewer pipes is Mole, the main component of which is an aqueous solution of sodium hypochlorite. It is poured into the pipeline or into the outlet of a plumbing fixture. The mole is able to destroy the organic plug in 2 - 8 hours, after which its remains are washed off with water.

If this product is not available, pipe cleaning can be done with any alkali or acid:

  • vinegar essence;
  • electrolyte for batteries;
  • citric or oxalic acid;
  • caustic soda, etc.

The choice of how to clean sewer pipes is decided on a case-by-case basis.

Who should do the cleaning?

Most residents are poorly versed in administrative and legislative regulations. Few people can confidently say whether the management company should clean out the sewerage system in a microdistrict or not. There are many reasons for such illiteracy; the vicious practice of negligent managers of trying to shift any work onto the shoulders or wallets of the residents of the house is often to blame.

Cleaning the sewer riser in an apartment building is the responsibility of the employees of the management company, since the riser is part of the common property of the building and is entirely under their control. A paid service may be flushing or breaking through blockages in the deck, but the vertical common pipeline must be serviced by qualified specialists. In any case, if the sewer is clogged, you need to know where to call and what to do first:

  • accidents in the sewer well are eliminated by the city water utility;
  • clogged internal sewer pipes are serviced by a UK plumber;
  • emergency situations are resolved by emergency service workers.

Usually all the necessary telephone numbers are included in receipts for utility bills.

Folk remedies

A simple grease blockage can be removed with boiling water.
In some cases, contamination can be eliminated using improvised methods. They involve the use of substances that are found in every home - soda, salt, vinegar.

  • If the cause of a clogged sink is washing greasy dishes with cold water, pouring out vegetable oil or other cooking fat, you can try cleaning it with boiling water . The hot environment helps dissolve such plugs. You must first check that there is no water in the drain. Boiling water is poured into the drain hole until the liquid drains freely.
  • , vinegar and baking soda powder
    can help . The latter can be pre-heated in a frying pan until golden brown. 200 g of soda are poured into the drain, and then 200 ml of vinegar is poured. The drain hole is covered with a tire. After 20 minutes, the pipe is washed with boiling water.

  • Crystalline citric acid removes lime deposits. 100 g of the substance is poured into the siphon, and then 250 ml of boiling water is poured. Close the hole and wait 20 minutes. Then rinse the pipe with boiling water.
  • Another option is salt and soda , taken in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture is poured into the drain hole and kept there for at least 10 hours. After this, the drainage system is cleaned with boiling water.


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You can remove a blockage in a toilet drain pipe bend using a plastic bottle. The bottom is cut off and placed in the drain. Holding the bottle by the cap, quickly make forward and downward movements. The blockage is pushed through by air pressure.

Prevention measures

To eliminate the possibility of blockages in pipes, you must follow the rules for operating the sewer system:

  • do not throw construction waste or paper (except toilet paper) into the toilet;
  • Do not pour food waste into the system;
  • Avoid throwing away cat litter, especially those based on clay and sawdust.

These simple rules will help maintain the functionality of the system and eliminate possible problems in relations with neighbors and employees of the management company.

Removing fur and hair

They clean the sewer pipes in the apartment from animal hair and human hair using wire and cable. If the comb is clogged, use chemicals.

You can also remove hair collected under the grill:

  1. If you hook them with a stiff wire hook or a knitting needle.
  2. By disassembling the outlet and cleaning it manually.

How to clean a sewer in a private house with your own hands

You can remove blockages in sewer pipes without specialists. To do this, identify the area where the plug has formed and clean it using one of the following methods:

  1. Flushing. Suitable for light stains. The method involves supplying a large amount of hot water to the main line. As the liquid passes through the system, it washes away contaminants that are on the walls.
  2. Use of chemicals. When dirty water flows slowly, specialized chemicals are poured into the system to destroy soap and grease deposits.
  3. Mechanical cleaning. The method involves removing the plug using various devices. The method is well suited for removing sewer blockages, even of a high degree of complexity.

The user independently determines the degree of contamination. The choice of method is carried out separately for each case.

The sewer is clogged: what to do?

The occurrence of an emergency in the sewer main obliges the apartment owner:

  • shut off the water supply to the apartment, and, if necessary, to the entire house;
  • notify the residents of the house about the situation and call the emergency services. The use of sewerage must be stopped until the fault in the sewerage network is eliminated.

If the clogged sewer can be removed on your own, then you can involve other residents of the house in the work.

It is the responsibility of all property owners to comply with the rules for using the sewer network.

And the utility service, in turn, is obliged to keep the system operational, for which preventive and repair work should be carried out in a timely manner.

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